Missing stops missed a mother under running a son he stands sits slant on a chair, slouched ballerina I couldn’t care less. Standing sitting a boy is missing stops caring of museums on floors he sits picking hands. Stupid was sitting, was standing, was an afternoon spent on a train, close eyed accordion muse a boy is pulled on. Track it is a test, this missing stopping and waiting does he worry not knowing where we worry the door is cracked unnoticed it’s late. Night slips a boy through cracks after sleeping is slept. Is this where we wait? The boy can wait can’t he? Can’t stop standing slant, a parently embarrassed we’re side by slant. Ballerina slouched and sleeping, a boy is nodding patient of a muse he talks of girls in shops we’re off, he stays on. We’re waiting, at times one stays, the other’s missing curfew missing the cracks of doors not shut. A boy slouched beneath a movie we watch words in French.