R.I.S.E. Radical Indigenous Survivance & Empowerment is a Native-founded and operated artist/activist/warrior collective dedicated to the education and perseverance of Native art and culture. burymyart.tumblr.com
Writers of Color Database A searchable compendium of bylines and topics, The Writers of Color Database seeks to promote the visibility of writers of color while also accurately representing those writers’ work. @writersofcolor | writersofcolor.org
I Believe You / It’s Not Your Fault IBY / INYF provides a supportive arena for the circulation and discussion of stories shared by survivors of sexual violence. It’s the community we wish the whole world could be. @NotesFromBigSib / ibelieveyouitsnotyourfault.tumblr.com
Third Woman Press With over thirty-five years of history, Third Woman Press publishes the work of activist scholars and artists committed to an inclusive world for women of color. @ThirdWomanPress / thirdwomanpress.com
Nepantla Nepantla is an online poetry journal dedicated to Queer Poets of Color. Their mission is to nurture, celebrate, and preserve diversity within the queer poetry community. @LambdaLiterary / lambdaliterary.com
Aquí Estamos Aquí Estamos is a queer people of color conference in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas and seeks to empower the region’s diverse community against oppression. @aquiestamosrgv / aquiestamosrgv.org
The Ulu Project The ULU Project is an Alaska-based web series that focuses on food security and Native identity while confronting the myriad social pressures that Inuit people face. @AlaskanFood / youtube.com/user/uluproject
Artists Against Police Violence Artists Against Police Violence provides high-resolution paintings, drawings, and photographs for use in advocating against institutional violence against people of color. @AAPV_ / artistsagainstpoliceviolence.com
The Body Is Not Apology TBINAA is an international movement committed to cultivating global Radical Self Love and Body Empowerment in people of all ages, sizes, abilities, and identities. @RadicalBodyLove / thebodyisnotanapology.com
The (Great) Indian Poetry Collective Based in Bengaluru, India, the (G)IPC is a publishing house that strives to showcase poetic voices from South Asia that are innovative and diverse. @Gr8IndianPoetry / greatindianpoetrycollective.org
Kalyani Kalyani is a literary publication that features diverse writing styles from women of color, and fosters a community that helps these women gain confidence in their voices. @KalyaniMagazine / kalyanimagazine.com QueerofGender QofG is a grassroots organization dedicated to affirming and acknowledging the various genders and gender expressions within Black, Indigenous and People of Color communities. @QueerofGender / queerofgender.com
Special thanks to our recommenders: Yvonne Marquez, Arisa White, Gloria Lucas, Kim Tran, Amy Collier, Koa Beck, and Danielle Scruggs. Infographic designed by Kayla E.